Thursday, February 25, 2010

Surrendering A Dream...

Tonight I give you one of the deepest dreams of my heart. I've hit a crossroad, carrying a load I can no longer bear... so I surrender. Out of the deepest part of me, something held on to for the longest time I bring to the cross. I now tuck it away into your heart to carry for as long as you deem necessary. I trust you, with all that I have, with all that I hope, dream, and love... I trust YOU! For this life has taken a different path than expected, one less traveled, but full of expectancy, grace, mercy, forgivness, joy, and love. Thank you that in this season this is not a dream I have to fight for, but rather one I can lay down, walk away from and trust in your timing. Give me hope and patience Lord as I await the outcome. Help me to learn to lay it down each day for as long as it takes.

Thank you for what you've done, what you're doing, and what you will do... Amen!

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